Upcoming Events

  • Feb Wed 16 2022

    7:00 PM

    Virtual Event

    NYC DSA Healthcare Working Group General Meeting | February 2022

    Join us for our February general meeting to get plugged into our campaigns!

    Zoom information is below:

    Meeting ID: 874 3510 8051
    One tap mobile
    +19292056099,,87435108051# US (New York)
    +13126266799,,87435108051# US (Chicago)

    Link to event
  • Feb Thu 17 2022

    7:00 PM

    Virtual Event

    Building Power for the New York Health Act 101 with State Sen. Jabari Brisport!

    The NYC-DSA Healthcare Working Group is working to build power to win single payer healthcare and health justice--and we need all the help we can get! Join us at this 101 event to learn more about our campaign for the New York Health Act! We'll also be joined by Jabari Brisport, a champion of the New York Health Act and health justice in the NY State Senate, who can tell us more about the NY state legislature and the campaign he's championing to bring universal childcare to our state!

    At this event, we'll cover:

    • New York Health Act basics: what it is, how it works, and what obstacles stand in the way of winning it
    • Goals on the road to the New York Health Act: the Healthcare WG has assembled a package of bills that will improve long term care in New York State, secure major wins for healthcare workers, and get people involved in our longer fight for socialism and health justice. We'll talk about these bills and what it will take to win them this year.
    • Organizing Training: basic skills for talking to friends, family, neighbors, and strangers about NYHA and health justice
    • How to get involved: By the end of the meeting, you'll be ready to put your new knowledge to work, and we'll talk about our upcoming events and how to get involved in the working group's ongoing work.

    RSVP to this event for zoom information--we look forward to seeing you there!

    Link to event
  • Mar Thu 17 2022

    7:00 PM

    Virtual Event

    Building Power for the New York Health Act 101!

    The NYC-DSA Healthcare Working Group is working to build power to win single payer healthcare and health justice--and we need all the help we can get! Join us at this 101 event to learn more about our campaign for the New York Health Act. We'll cover:

    • New York Health Act basics: what it is, how it works, and what obstacles stand in the way of winning it
    • Goals on the road to the New York Health Act: the Healthcare WG has assembled a package of bills that will improve long term care in New York State, secure major wins for healthcare workers, and get people involved in our longer fight for socialism and health justice. We'll talk about these bills and what it will take to win them this year.
    • Organizing Training: basic skills for talking to friends, family, neighbors, and strangers about NYHA and health justice
    • How to get involved: By the end of the meeting, you'll be ready to put your new knowledge to work, and we'll talk about our upcoming events and how to get involved in the working group's ongoing work.

    RSVP to this event for zoom information--we look forward to seeing you there!

    Link to event
  • Apr Thu 07 2022

    7:00 PM

    Virtual Event

    Building Power for the New York Health Act 101!

    The NYC-DSA Healthcare Working Group is working to build power to win single payer healthcare and health justice--and we need all the help we can get! Join us at this 101 event to learn more about our campaign for the New York Health Act. We'll cover:

    • New York Health Act basics: what it is, how it works, and what obstacles stand in the way of winning it
    • Goals on the road to the New York Health Act: the Healthcare WG has assembled a package of bills that will improve long term care in New York State, secure major wins for healthcare workers, and get people involved in our longer fight for socialism and health justice. We'll talk about these bills and what it will take to win them this year.
    • Organizing Training: basic skills for talking to friends, family, neighbors, and strangers about NYHA and health justice
    • How to get involved: By the end of the meeting, you'll be ready to put your new knowledge to work, and we'll talk about our upcoming events and how to get involved in the working group's ongoing work.

    RSVP to this event for zoom information--we look forward to seeing you there!

    Link to event
  • Apr Thu 28 2022

    7:00 PM

    Virtual Event

    Building Power for the New York Health Act 101!

    The NYC-DSA Healthcare Working Group is working to build power to win single payer healthcare and health justice--and we need all the help we can get! Join us at this 101 event to learn more about our campaign for the New York Health Act. We'll cover:

    • New York Health Act basics: what it is, how it works, and what obstacles stand in the way of winning it
    • Goals on the road to the New York Health Act: the Healthcare WG has assembled a package of bills that will improve long term care in New York State, secure major wins for healthcare workers, and get people involved in our longer fight for socialism and health justice. We'll talk about these bills and what it will take to win them this year.
    • Organizing Training: basic skills for talking to friends, family, neighbors, and strangers about NYHA and health justice
    • How to get involved: By the end of the meeting, you'll be ready to put your new knowledge to work, and we'll talk about our upcoming events and how to get involved in the working group's ongoing work.

    RSVP to this event for zoom information--we look forward to seeing you there!

    Link to event